Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A New Year, A New Me

So, I am sitting here starting my blog again not because I want to, but because I have to.  You see, I am taking a class at Liberty University and a requirement is to write a blog.  Since I already had this one, I figured should just start it up again. 

The reason I stopped writing the first time was due to time.  I had so much on my plate and just put it on the back burner.  But now, because of this class, it is back on the stove with the burner lit.  It kind of reminds me of my exercise program.  I signed up for a marathon which would force me to train (even in the dreadful Cleveland weather) which in turn would help me lose weight and become more healthy.  It reminds me of work.  Many times I put off grading until the end only to find students upset at me and me upset at myself for having to sit hours on end grading.  It also reminds me of how I treat my friends and family.  Sometimes, due to my procrastination I can't spend time with them. 

So, here is my new goal and I hope those of you reading this can help me achieve it:

I want to stop procrastinating and utilize more time management techniques. 

I saw this because I want to be able to have time for family, devotions, exercise, work, grading, homework, and last but not least myself. 

But first let me get back to this blog assignment.  I have to write about my thoughts about technology in general.  What are they?  Well, I am glad technology exists to help make things easier for people.  Take for example not only the computers today but the software as well.  They can help me write my dissertation a lot faster and with less errors.  And my GPS?  It helps me get to school in VA without having to read a map (which I still can do!).  My cell phone?  It keeps me connected to my wife and work as well as reminds me of various meetings/classes I may have.  Even though it is called a "Smart Phone" it can't do anything until I program it.  So, what are my real thoughts about technology? 

I think people are getting dumber - me included.  Ask anyone to tell you a phone number and they will need to look it up.  How many people actually dial a phone number anymore?  Ask a simple questions and the response may be: "let me Google that!"  Yes, technology is making things easier for us.  But it is also hurting us.  Remote controls for example prevent us from walking and moving - even if it is a few feet to the TV.  Text messaging prevents me from having a real conversation (I mean talking - not writing). 

But even with these few "gripes," I can say I am thankful for technology.  It helps me connect with my pen pal who lives in Australia.  It helps me keep track of my runs and my exercises.  It helps me remember to do my devotions (as long as I enter a reminder).  It helps me get in touch with my family.  And for all the above reasons, I am thankful.

So, with the start of this blog, and the continuation of this year I will live by the following  verse:

Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

I look forward to keeping you up-to-date with my class, my marathon training, and my family.