Friday, February 1, 2013


This semester has started off weird for me.  For the classes I am taking and the classes I am teaching.  Let's start with the classes I am taking at Liberty University.  My technology class was cancelled and my professor taught the class via Skype.  Not too bad - since I "attended" in my pj's!  But, with the complications of the sound and with my kids playing downstairs it was hard to concentrate.  I was also upset that I couldn't stay in my choice of augmented reality for the class project.  I had to move to game based technology.  Although somewhat similar, I guess I'll have to see what the group decides on.   I did like that everyone in the class was able to get on track with what we need to do and I can't wait until next month when we can meet face-to-face.

So, how about the classes I teach?  Well, in my health course I was having trouble with a quiz I posted.  It didn't show up to the students.  I was lost and so were they.  After figuring out I had to check a small box to make the quiz available everything was back to normal - or so I thought.  Some students didn't read the questions correctly and then got mad at me.  After letting them plead their case, I still didn't change their score.  But, being the nice guy I am, I gave them prompts of what to study for ahead of time.  They seemed to like that. 

Now, for my swim class.  Not a semester goes by when the pool is not closed.  Sometimes the water level is too high.  Sometimes it's the chemicals.  Today, the pump.  Or should I say, lack there of.  The pumps went down and the water turned brown.  Not too sure when the pump will be fixed which means my swim class may turn into a fitness class since.  I'll just take them upstairs to the fitness center to do a "swimmers" workout. 

I guess that's what you call flexibility.  I am a pretty flexible guy.  I kind of go with the flow.  I think this helps me see what God has in store for me.  I am not too consumed on one thing or another.  I look at the big picture.  And when I start to narrow my focus, God helps me break out of it to see the big picture.  I like that.  I like God surprising me and making me "work," work to be a better man for Him, my family, my coworkers, those I teach, and basically everyone else. 

So, even though things have happened over the past few days,  I adjusted.  With God's help.

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