Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The World is Getting Bigger

1Corinthians 6:19-20  Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God.  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So, glorify God in your body.

This past weekend my family and I went to a waterpark resort.  We had a lot of fun playing in the water and going down the water slides.  Even my little 1 1/2 year old went down some slides.  My son 's favorite was the slide which was blacked out.  Both my wife and I thought that he wouldn't like that one, but he did.  Even though the hotel had less than favorable reviews, they exceeded our expectations.  The only thing we disappointed in was that the water was a little too cold.  The best way I could describe the water temperature was if you were taking a shower and you were just beginning to run out of hot water.  Cold but tolerable.

As you are reading this you may be asking what the above verse has to do with a water park.  Well, a lot.  I was shocked by the amount of overweight people.  And not just the adults, but the young teens and children as well.  As a health and physical education teacher I felt bad.  As if they did not care about what they may have learned in class.  Or, what they hear in the news.  I know a lot of it has to do with culture and the lifestyle they are taught, but something needs to be done!

As the above verse states, "your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit."  I am exercising and eating right (most of the time) so that I may not only be their for my family later in life, but also to glorify God.  I am not saying that those who are overweight or obese do not glorify God, but how do they glorify Him through their body. 

Obesity is a large epidemic in this country and something needs to be done.  As I continue in my education and teaching young adults heath and fitness, I will also continue to live and display the values God would want me to share.  For if others can see me for who I am, someone who cares about their health, family, and God, maybe they may have a change and be able to glorify God as well through their body.

In my quest to get below 200lbs, I can say that reading the Bible and applying the scripture to my life, I have been able to come closer to God not only as a friend, but as a support who gives me strength to be able to exercise and get even more healthy.  By glorifying God, He is glorifying me.  And I can't thank Him enough.

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me the strength and ability to exercise to improve my health.  I also pray for those who may not be as healthy and are wanting to start and exercise program.  Give them the strength and wisdom to be able to take the first step.  And as they do, may they glorify you in their success.  Amen

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