Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Precious Little Children

Mark 10:6 And he took them up in his arms, placed his hands on them, and blessed them.

My wife and I watched "My Sisters Keeper" the other night.  She and I both cried.  If you never have seen it, I highly recommend it.  I won't give away too much, but basically it is about a family who is torn apart because a child has cancer.  Why did I cry?  Sure the movie was sad, but I kept thinking, "What if that was one of my children?"  I am not too sure what I would do.

My wife reads blogs about families whose children have cancer. She experiences the triumphs and set backs through the words of the writers, letting her in on the family affairs and the affairs of the child.  The pain and the joy.  The life, and sadly, the death of the child.  I often wonder, "why would our God give such a terrible disease to these precious children?"

I believe it is not to hurt them or to make them suffer, but to open our eyes and to help us experience the love and pain Jesus suffered.  I am thankful I do not personally know any child who has cancer, yet I do know of families whose children have it.  This does not mean I don't think about them.  I do.  And I pray to God that he helps them everyday.  Helps them see the love the child has.  Helps them to experience kindness when the child is in painHelps them experience joy when they can go home, or get off a medicine, or even smile.

We all know the song, "Jesus loves the little children."  But do we?  Do we turn a blind eye to those children who suffer?  Or, do we do something about it?  What about the families?  How do we help them?

As I wrote before, I believe children who have cancer have it so they can help us.  I say this because think of your children, or if you do not have children a family member such as a sibling.  What if they were diagnosed with cancer?  How would you react?  How would you change?

Jesus holds these children in his arms and blesses them.  He holds them when they are in pain.  He hold them when they smile at their mom or dad.  He hold them in each and every operation and test.  And, when they are in the arms of their mom or dad or loved one, Jesus is holding them all.  I read a story about a mom who was holding her child in her arms while he was dying of cancer.  She stated that even though her child died in her arms, she felt life in the room.  She felt as though she had a warm blanket wrapped around her and her son, even though she did not.  She knew it was Jesus, holding them both.  She knew her son was now able to laugh and play in heaven.  

When the children suffer because of their pain we should be there to comfort them.  Jesus is there to comfort not only their pain, but ours as well.  I am scared to think if my son or daughter was diagnosed with cancer.  But I know Jesus would be there to comfort me and my family.  He would be there holding their hands making them smile - for us.  

So, next time you visit the hospital maybe bring a few gifts to give to children who may need a little "pick-me-up."  Or, if you see a child who may have cancer walking down the street smile at them.  And as you do, know that Jesus is smiling back at you. 

May God bless all children, young and old.  May he keep them safe and healthy.  May he also allows us to see the love of Jesus come out through them as they may suffer, yet know they are safe in His arms.

Dear  Lord, I am thankful I have two healthy children.  Bless them and keep them safe.  Also, allow me to open my eyes and see those children who may have cancer for who they are.  Children who are loved by you.  Children who are comforted in your arms and who you have blessed.  Amen.

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