Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Working out for the Lord

1 Timothy 4:8  For bodily exercise profit little; but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that is now, and that which is to come.

So I just finished running on the treadmill.  3 miles in 25:16.  Not too bad.  My goal is to run less than 8:00 minute miles and I would say that now my average is 8:45 for my longer runs.  Remember, I am training to run a 1/2 marathon this May and my ultimate goal is to make it into the top 100.  But, my overall goal is to run it in less than 1:40:00.

I also want to improve me strength and overall fitness so I have started working out with basic non-weight exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, sit ups, etc).  A secret goal of mine is to be more fit than the fittest person in my class that I teach.  This shouldn't be too hard, since many of my students are just starting a fitness routine.  But I do have the occasional athlete.  I also want to remain fit so I can watch my kids grow up, graduate and get married.  Then I also want to be able to play with my grand kids.

But, according to the above verse, I should care less, right?  Wrong.  I believe that the verse tells us to live our lives the way God wants us to.  Which means that we need to put God before everything and to do everything for God.  What does this mean for my exercise routine?  Well, as a teacher I need to be fit so I do not look like a hypocrite when I teach fitness.  Also, as a teacher who deals with my students one-on-one for a majority of the class, I am able to show them my Gods values by how I treat them and my actions.  Often I get asked if I attend church and I can gladly answer yes.  

I can also look around my neighborhood and find many fitness groups who also have Bible studies.  Can you imagine how God uses them?  People who may not know God, yet want to get fit can do both.  That is Amazing!

So, by exercising I can help people become fit and get closer to God!  What a win-win situation.

Dear Lord,  Thank you for using me as a vessel in which I can use my fitness and knowledge of exercise to help others not only become more fit, but to see the values you want them to see and know.  And, by seeing these values, will want to get to know you more.  Amen

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