Friday, January 28, 2011

Which Way is Up?

Proverbs 3:6  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 

Do you ever feel like you have no direction in your life or people and things are pulling you in different directions?  I kind of felt that way these past few days.  Not so much with the directions, but more so with the pulling.  You see, at work I lost my swimming class because I had too many credit hours I was teaching.  There was also a lot of confusion with the students and new teachers and I was trying to help them out the best I could.  Also, at home, my wife was finishing her last few days at her job only to begin a new one.  At church, I am beginning a new Bible study which I need to organize and head.  So, although I may not be pulled as much as others may feel pulled, I am still pulled in various directions.

But, I also feel I can handle it.  Why, because of the above verse.  In all my decisions and actions I acknowledge the Lord.  I acknowledge him for helping me and guiding me along my walk of life.  When things go "no-so-right", I ask that he guide me in the direction he wants me to go.  As much as I may try and go on a different path, I also acknowledge that I must go on the path he calls me to go on. 

This was not so as I was growing up.  He called me to his path many times, but I never listed.  But when I did, I felt my life all come into place.  Like it felt as if everything I am doing is worth it.  It is my goal as a dad and as a church school teacher to make sure I help my children and other children be able to acknowledge him, so they may walk on His path.

Dear Lord, I acknowledge you Lord and all that you do.  May my walk in this life be on your path.  And, if I stray from this path, please guide me back to it.  Amen.

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