Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Father/Son Day

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Today was a father/son day.  A great day.  We first dropped off his sister at day care and then headed to my job.  I had to drop off some paperwork before the start of the semester.  He got to meet my boss as well as a few other people I know at work.  We were there for over an hour and he was great.  He did not complain at all.  Actually, at one point I thought to myself, "Who are you and where is my child?"  He was saying his please and thank yous as well as sitting nice waiting for me when I was talking.
When at the grocery store, he went to the playroom and watched a movie.  When I picked him up, the attendant told me he asked for everything and was polite and helpful.  He even sat at the table playing with the fake food and said a prayer. 
When getting our hair cuts he saw the suckers and asked if he could have one.  I told him he would have to wait until his hair cut was over, and he said okay.  Then, when the hair dresser gave him his sucker, he said thank you.  Not for the sucker, but for his haircut.  We both had a good chuckle.

I guess seeing his actions today reminded me of the verse above.  My son goes to church school and we teach him to say please and thank you, and to be nice (even to his sister).  I know that he will grow up to be a kind, loving, and trustworthy person.  Someone who can say "thank you" for all he has been given, not by me, but by God.

Dear Lord, Thank you for bringing my son and daughter into my life.  Please allow me to be the best parent I can be, so they can grow up to be a person who loves their neighbors.  But, most importantly, loves you as well.  Amen.

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