Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What a Week

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those that weep

First let me say sorry.  I know it has been over a week since my last post and there really is no excuse.  I even let my workouts and eating habits slide for that week, which again, there is no excuse.

I can say it was a busy few days.  I was staying up late studying for my GRE which I took on the 15th.  I was also getting ready for work putting all my syllabi's together and figuring out course material.  Some friends I know went into the hospital and some news from around the world was troubling.  This is why I chose today's verse.

When I was studying for my exam I knew I was cramming (something I did well, and often, in college).  I signed up for the test over a month ago, yet waited until the last week to study.  So, looking at all my study test scores, I wasn't feeling too confident going into the test.  What also made my confidence drop was listening to a few people say they have taken the test multiple times and are still trying to pass.  As I sat down in front of the computer to take the test I paused and said a prayer.  I asked God to allow me to use the knowledge I have gained and acquired to help me with the test.  And to give me peace.  Also, to give those I overheard talking about the test peace as well and to calm our nerves.  Taking the test I was not too confident.  I felt like I was reading a foreign language during the verbal portion and gibberish during the math section.  But, when I got my score, I was excited and relieved because I was done...

...And I passed!!  Of course I thanked God and wanted to tell everyone I passed, so they could rejoice with me. 

But, then there was the weeping.  As I said before, a friend of mine was admitted to the hospital.  As it turned out, everything was okay.  But I do know tears were shed.  By his wife, his family, and others.  Even my wife had to hold back tears as she entered the hospital room.  Another friend of mine found out her father has cancer.

But this was at home.  On the other side of the US people were shot and people died.  At first I was in shock.  Another, "Oh my gosh, why did this happen?"  I said a small prayer for those who were injured as well as the families of those who lost a loved one.  And yes, I even said a prayer for the shooter and his family.  Why you may ask?  Because, obviously he does not know God?  I asked God to help him know that what he did was wrong.  "Weep for those who weep."

In our family of faith, as well as others who may or may not know God, we must laugh together.  And, we must also cry together.  For I know if we can do this, God will look down on us and laugh and cry with us also.

Dear Lord, Thank you for being there and allowing us (you, my family and friends, and myself) to laugh in times of happiness, as well as being able to cry in times of sorrow.   Amen.

My Goal:  I did pick up with my running again.  I ran 3 miles at an 8:00/mile pace.  I am also glad to be back at work because now I can get in the pool and swim, as well as hit the weights in my classes. 

1 comment:

  1. Don't feel bad about the delay, at least you have been posting...unlike your wife! ;-)


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