Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Am a Teacher

Luke 6:40  A student is not better than the teacher, but the student who has been fully trained will be like the teacher.

This passage reminds me of why I chose the field of education.  I like being a student so I can learn new ideas old thoughts.  I also like being a teacher so I can teach others what I know.  Today, before my swim class I saw a student who I had last summer.  She was terrified of the water due to an accident that occurred when she was a child.  On a family outing on a house boat, the boat capsized and her mother and father drowned.  She and her sisters where barely pulled from the water.  Even she had breathed in some water and needed help.  She never set foot in a pool again, other than a kiddie pool, until she took my class.

I did not know about her story, yet I treated her with kindness and told her together we would take it slow to get her accustomed to the water.  After a few weeks in class, she was finally floating and putting her head in the water blowing bubbles.  By the end of the class she was able to tread water and swim at least 50 yards.  But I can also say, I was not the only one teaching her.  Her peers also helped her out.  She saw that many people were there to support her and help her reach her goal, which wasn't to pass the class but to learn to be comfortable in the water.  On the last day of class she thanked me for helping her so she could teach her children how to swim.

I teach students fitness and health through workout classes and lecture.  I also teach students how to test others fitness levels, since they too will become fitness professionals.  The most rewarding thing for me, is when a student comes to me and lets me know they have been able to teach others, based on the knowledge I gave them.  I thank God everyday for being my teacher and showing me how to live my life.  I only pray I am living up to His expectations.  And since I am his student, every summer I am able to go out and teach his word to 400+ youth and their adult leaders as the MC (program leader) for Group Workcamps.

How are you like the teacher?  The student?  What new things are you learning and growing from?  And, how can you then turn around and teach it to others?  What is God calling you to learn from Him?  Who is God calling you to teach His word?

Dear Lord, Thank you for being my teacher and allowing me to be taught by so many teachers as I have grown.  Allow me to take the knowledge I have learned so I may teach others.  Amen.

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