Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Who is Influencing You?

1 Corinthians 1:26  Brothers and sisters, look at what you were when God called you.  Not many of you were wise in the way the world judges wisdom.  Not many of you had great influence.  Not many of you came from important families.

The Past: When I read the line, "not many of you had great influence" I did not have to think too hard about my past.  I did not have a hero.  I had a few people I looked up to, but really no one who I could say was my influence.  I just went along doing my own thing.  I got my first job on my own.  I joined the Navy on my own.  I went to college on my own.  It was then, while at Ohio State, I thought I influenced others.  And I did - but in the wrong way.  As someone who drank and partied a lot, others wanted to be like me - carefree.  But, as you may have read before, I soon did not like myself and who I was.  I did not want to be that kind of influence towards others anymore.  It was while I was at home and attending Cleveland State University that I was called to serve at the church as the recreation leader for vacation Bible school.  It was there I started to talk about God, and I had no idea who He was.  The kids knew more about Him than me.  Inside, I was embarrassed.  But, I also wanted to learn more about Him.  It was then, I started to read the Bible.  And, I liked what I read.  God, was my influence now. 

The Present: Look at what I am now that I know God.  I person who knows and gives love.  A person who has a meaning in my life.  A person who influences others.  That is why I became a teacher.  When my father died way too early (because of heart failure) I decided to become a health and physical education teacher so I could help others lead a healthy lifestyle.  Then, they may not have to go through the same thing I did and lose a family member for reasons that could have been prevented.  As a teacher, I know I influence others and it is good to see my students come up to me and ask if I go to church.  I can proudly say yes, and they do tell me that they can see it in me.  By my actions and words. 
I hope that the last line of the verse above will not reflect my son and daughter.  I hope that what I do will be important for my family.  I want to change the status of health and physical education in American schools.  I don't want it to be considered the "joke" or "easy" class.  I want it to have meaning so people can lead healthy lifestyles and know what choices they can make.  Now, I am not wanting to get rid of fast food and junk food (because I love me a fast food burger every now and them), I just want people to know why they shouldn't have it everyday.  I also want to make sure I am a good influence in the eyes of God for my family.  If my family grows up loving God and each other, I know they will be important.

My Goals: Tonight I continue with my workout.  I will run at least 2 miles on the treadmill with no less than an 8:30 pace.  I am sure I can do it.  After all, I know I can run at least 8 miles before I get winded.  I just want to take it easy and not over do it.  I'll also start my flexibility training.  I have a pack of yoga cards I will do.  Hopefully it will also help me and my sore shoulder. 

Dear Lord, Thanks you for showing me the way and being my influence in all I do.  Amen.

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