Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hey, Look At Me!

Samuel 16: 7  "God does not see the same way people see.  People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart."

This was the verse for today's church school lesson.  I like it because it can, and does, say a lot about a person.  Take me for example:

The Past:  Growing up was hard for me.  First was dealing with all the hand-me-downs as well as having to live up (or down) the expectations of my brothers and sisters.  I was picked on and teased because of my family and who my friends were.  My family never had much, but we made due.  I always vowed that I would want to have more for my family then I had.  To do this, I sometimes became a person I did not like.  When I got my first job (at 15) I blew my paycheck on clothes and things everyone else was getting/wearing.  I wanted to fit in.  Yet I was still made fun of.  In high school I wanted to play football but I couldn't because I was in the marching band and my mom would not let me play.  When I got my first car and was able to drive around, I joined the track team and finally became an "athlete/jock" in the school.  But I was still made fun of. Why? Because my family was "poor", even though we had what we needed.  You see, growing up in the poor neighborhood in a "rich" school system was hard.  Sure I got made fun of and put down, but it started me on the path of who I am today.  I learned that even though I was "poor", I could be someone.  I learned that I was not the "poorest" kid in school.  I also learned how to make me into something I wasn't - rich.
When I went to college at Ohio State I changed - for the worse.  I became who I though I was supposed to be.  I was the stereotypical fraternity man.  I drank.  I partied.  I slept in.  And, I almost failed out of school.  But I was having fun.  However, I was not the person I really was.  The outside was much different than the inside.  Many times, I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I went along with it anyway.  People got hurt (emotionally and sometimes physically).  But I think I was the worst.  Emotionally, I hurt inside.  Physically, I was destroying myself through the alcohol and stupid stunts.  I was trying to figure out who I really was.

The Present:  I still struggle with this today.  Although not as much.  After I started my relationship with God, I knew I could look at myself better and see who I really am.  Who am I.  A sinner.  Someone who strives for excellence because I know I can't be perfect.  Only God is perfect.  I still strive to have the best of things.  But when I look back on what I have, I believe I do have it all (or most of it).  I have a family who loves me.  A job which I am fortunate to have and enjoy.  A home (even though it sometimes seem like a money pit) that provides me with shelter and warmth - both temperature and love).  Friends (thank you Facebook - ha ha).  And my health, which seems to be a lot better than most of my brothers and sister.  You can look at me today and see the real me, although there are some imperfections.

My Goals:  As I (again) begin to workout and continue my training I know this can apply to me because I know God knows what I can and cannot do.  I just need to make sure I do not over train and injure myself.  I also know I need to look real hard inside myself to know what I can do.  Maybe it is overcoming that last mile.  Maybe it is getting up when I am down. 
As for my devotions, I know this blog is helping me.  And, maybe you can too.  Do you have a devotion you would like to share.  Maybe even a prayer or prayer request.  Just put it in the comment box.  Remember, this blog is not just for me, but for us.  To get closer to God, and to achieve our goals for 2011.

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