Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Start of a New Year

Happy New Year!  I know many of you may have created a new year resolution and so have I.  But, this one is different.  With this blog, I hope to let you get to know me better while completing my resolutions goals for the new year.  I'll tell you a little bit about my past, what I am doing now, as well as how my goals are going.  So, as you continue to read this, I hope I can encourage you to complete your 2011 goals as well as get a little closer to God, if you haven't already.  So here it goes:  My Past:  I was the last child born (by 15 minutes) in a family of seven (mom, dad, three older brothers and one sister) which I believe helped me become who I am today.  I learned from my siblings mistakes, as well as my own, and I saw how my parents struggled, yet still loved me.  My Present:  So here I am now, married to my lovely wife for 6 years (whom I have known for 11) with our 2 kids and family dog.  We are getting by the best that we can.  We sometimes struggle to get ahead, but we also have overcome some struggles along the way.  My Goals:  1) Although I am a church school teacher, a program leader for Group Cares, and I have been a youth coordinator; I still feel I can get closer to God.  I do have a good relationship with him, but as with any relationship, you can always make it better.  To do this, at the beginning of every log (for here on out) I will start with a verse from the Bible.  I will then try to explain it and how it pertains to me and my past, me present, and my goals.  2) To get below 200lbs by the end of the year.  This is something I have struggles with for a while.  The closest I have ever gotten was 205lb.  This was after the Cleveland 1/2 Marathon in May.  I am training again for it again and right now I am at 215lbs.  So, I am hoping that after this 1/2 marathon I will make my goal - and keep it off!.  My actual goal, is then to make it at least 18-20% body fat (and then go down from there).  3) To spend more time in devotion and prayer.  I believe this blog will help me do this, since I will need to read the Bible.  I'll also let you know about other devotions I may read and how they affect me as well.  I am sure I will have more goals as time goes on, but these are my main goals.  I hope you'll have fun reading these blogs and learning more about me.  Take care.  And, here is to a great 2011!


  1. You can do it!!! You certainly don't look like you're over 200 pounds.


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