Friday, January 7, 2011

The Trials of Love

Song of Solomon 8:7 Even much water cannot put out the flame of love; floods cannot drown love.

My Past and Present: My wife loves me and I love her.  We officially started dating on January 1, 2000 and it was four years later that we got married (in September).  It hasn't always been a smooth ride.  There were times I did not know if we were ever going to get married.  She wanted to see other people and so did I.  But, deep down, we cared for each other and worked through our problems.  We overcame the floods that wanted to drown our love.  I have not always been the best husband, but I do try.  She has also not been the best wife, but I see the love in her eyes when she looks at me.  We love each other and that can never be extinguished.
My parents also loved each other.  Sure, I saw times when they were arguing and not speaking to each other, but they always overcame it.  When my brothers or sister were fighting, they still loved each other.  After all, you're supposed to fight with your siblings once in a while?  Right? 
I love my family.  They are what made me what I am today.  Sure they have made mistakes, yet they also have their successes.  I pray for them.  I may not know where my oldest brother is, but I pray for him.  I may not always know what is happening in the home life of my other brothers and sister, but I pray for them.  I pray for my mom.  For her health.  Isn't that what love is?  Working though the tough times to over come the floods that want to put out the flame of love. 

My Goals:  Well, I took the nutrition assessment and scored a 33, which is in the "Good" category.  Now I just need to try and improve my score to get in the "Very Good" category which is 42-64.  Then the next thing would be to get into the "Excellent" category which is 65-82.  Basically, to improve my score I need to lay off the soda as well as eat more fish.  But, I'll let you know.

Dear Lord, Let us love each other the best we can.  And, when times are rough, help us work through them to continue to see the love we have for that person and they love they have shown us.  Amen.

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