Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saying "Sorry"

Mark 11:25 And whenever you make a prayer, let there be forgiveness in your hearts, if you have anything against anyone; so that you may have forgiveness for your sins from your Father who is in heaven.

Have you ever seen a movie in which one character does something bad to another character.  Maybe they don't trust them anymore.  Or, maybe they are stubborn and want things done their way.  Or, maybe they think they are just trying to help them.  Then, later in the movie (usually during a time when the music is soft and heading for a big crescendo) they realize they were wrong.  And then, with a look and sometimes tears, they say "I'm sorry."  (And the music comes to a climax and everyone in the theater is crying.  Okay, maybe not everyone.)

Although the movies make it look much more dramatic, saying "sorry" can be hard and emotional.  I know many people say they are sorry, but do they mean it?  I know my son will do something he knows is wrong and then say he is sorry over and over again.  We have to explain to him why what he did was wrong, since he is only 3.  But I believe he is starting to know right from wrong, and what sorry really means. 

I know I have had to say sorry before.  Sorry for hurting a loved one.  Although it was easy to say sorry and really mean it, it was much harder for me to believe the acceptance of the sorry.  Why?  Probably because as much as I knew I was forgiven, it was hard to accept.  Why should I be forgiven if I did something wrong?

And the same goes for when someone says I'm sorry to me.  Why is it sometimes hard for me to accept their forgiveness?  They did not trust me or maybe they hurt me.  So why forgive them?  Because that is what God wants us to do.  To have, and receive, forgiveness.  As a paraphrase of the verse above, tonight when you pray, pray for forgiveness as well as the strength to forgive others. 

My Goals:  Well, I am not going to well these past two days.  Studying for my GRE test is taking it's toll.  Although, I did go out and shovel snow and I watched what I ate.  I think next week will be better since I will be back at work and will be able to work out (since I work in a fitness room).

Dear Lord, Please forgive my sins today.  And also, please allow me to forgive others who I may have sinned against. Amen.

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