Thursday, April 18, 2013

Another trip to Virginia

Tomorrow I drive down to Virginia for my final intensive of the semester.  It should be fun.  We get to watch group presentations regarding technology.  As far as my group goes, I hope it goes well.  I have worked on finding gaps in literature for a month with little reply from my group members.  So, did I do all the work to find the gaps?  I hope not.  But, I'll have to wait and see when I get to Lynchburg.

The literature I had to look at was on gaming and it motivation to learn.  Although I am not a big gamer, I have learned a lot from this project.  The biggest being that it WILL be unavoidable in the future classroom.  But, as a health teacher, I am going to look at helping senior citizens improve their health.  There is wii fit plus as well as many EA sports games which they can use.  This is because I feel this is where the gap is.  Of all the research, I did not read any being conducted on senior citizens.  I know I play wii fit with my wife and it is fun to compete with her in the games.  We have a fun little rivalry in the ski jump game. 

But, getting back to class.  It was great to learn new things I could do with Microsoft and recording videos.  I have never heard of but I can see where it can come in hand for my classes I teach.  Basically I can take a video of my screen as I use my computer to show people how to do things.  I am already using it for classes I teach on how to navigate the course.  I have also heard from students that they love it better than the course guide since it is more personable.

I can't wait to see what is in store for my class tomorrow.  Not only what new things I will learn, but also to see what my group has done.  I'll let you all know in my next post.

As for now.  Let's pray for Boston.  It was a horrific incident.  As a runner I feel saddened that such an event could occur.  When I run the Cleveland marathon in May I will think about Boston.  I'll also be worried and fearful as I approach the finish line.  I am asking my family to watch me not from the finish line, but from the course.  Even then, I will not know they are truly safe until I see them.  I pray nothing happens in Cleveland.  But, you can never be too sure.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The day before the drive

Today is Thursday.  Tomorrow is Friday.  Why does this matter?  Well, I have to finish three assignments, pack, get my car ready, and shower all before I go to bed tonight.  All because I have to wake up by 5:30am to drive nearly 9 hours to get to school.  It sounds like I may be complaining, but I am not.  I enjoy the drive and looking at the scenery.  There are beautiful parts of the drive and one day I hope to take my family on the same drive. 

I'll be driving down for my intensive course, EDUC 730 - technology in the classroom.  The last class I learned a lot about Word.  I knew little about using headings in the tool bar but now I feel more comfortable about it.  I also enjoyed learning about Web Quest.  I never heard of it before, but now I may try and use it more in my classroom.  I am also glad I got to meet my group.  I am the only guy in the group but that doesn't matter.  What does matter is that we are all getting along and are supporting each other.  Tomorrow will be interesting because we have a group project and, to me, I feel we are a little behind.  But I am sure we will pull the pieces together and finish it up by the final class (which is also our last class).

In regards to technology.  Sure I am learning about it and it's use for the classroom.  But I can also think how much it has changed just to help me get to school tomorrow.  I was able to book a room through the Internet.  But even before that I was able to view various rates and look at hotel reviews.  I was also able to map out how I will be going using Google maps.  Even then I could chose a route in which I can avoid tolls.  I was also able to see various buildings and surroundings using the street view and satellite view. 

But even in the car there is technology.  My car has anti traction control.  It can tell me the temperature outside and adjust it in the inside so I am comfortable.  I have a GPS to guide me along so I don't need to look at any maps.  But if I do, I can pull out my smart phone to see a map.  These little things make my trip so much easier.  I can imagine how much more difficult it would be without it.

I can also imagine my class if I did not have the technology we do now.  I would be spending days upon days in the library searching for material to support my literature review.  My group would be calling each other on a phone to gather and collaborate.  We would be faxing instead of e-mailing. It's sometimes hard to imagine, but at the same time how easy it is to realize how well off I have it.  It also makes me wonder where technology will be taking us in the future.  There is so much more out there that I don't even know.  Maybe I'll learn about it in this class.  Maybe I'll learn more on my own or from friends. 

Driving down to school for a technology class learning about ways to use technology all the while utilizing technology.  Maybe the idea of a "Jetsons" world isn't so far off.

Friday, February 1, 2013


This semester has started off weird for me.  For the classes I am taking and the classes I am teaching.  Let's start with the classes I am taking at Liberty University.  My technology class was cancelled and my professor taught the class via Skype.  Not too bad - since I "attended" in my pj's!  But, with the complications of the sound and with my kids playing downstairs it was hard to concentrate.  I was also upset that I couldn't stay in my choice of augmented reality for the class project.  I had to move to game based technology.  Although somewhat similar, I guess I'll have to see what the group decides on.   I did like that everyone in the class was able to get on track with what we need to do and I can't wait until next month when we can meet face-to-face.

So, how about the classes I teach?  Well, in my health course I was having trouble with a quiz I posted.  It didn't show up to the students.  I was lost and so were they.  After figuring out I had to check a small box to make the quiz available everything was back to normal - or so I thought.  Some students didn't read the questions correctly and then got mad at me.  After letting them plead their case, I still didn't change their score.  But, being the nice guy I am, I gave them prompts of what to study for ahead of time.  They seemed to like that. 

Now, for my swim class.  Not a semester goes by when the pool is not closed.  Sometimes the water level is too high.  Sometimes it's the chemicals.  Today, the pump.  Or should I say, lack there of.  The pumps went down and the water turned brown.  Not too sure when the pump will be fixed which means my swim class may turn into a fitness class since.  I'll just take them upstairs to the fitness center to do a "swimmers" workout. 

I guess that's what you call flexibility.  I am a pretty flexible guy.  I kind of go with the flow.  I think this helps me see what God has in store for me.  I am not too consumed on one thing or another.  I look at the big picture.  And when I start to narrow my focus, God helps me break out of it to see the big picture.  I like that.  I like God surprising me and making me "work," work to be a better man for Him, my family, my coworkers, those I teach, and basically everyone else. 

So, even though things have happened over the past few days,  I adjusted.  With God's help.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A New Year, A New Me

So, I am sitting here starting my blog again not because I want to, but because I have to.  You see, I am taking a class at Liberty University and a requirement is to write a blog.  Since I already had this one, I figured should just start it up again. 

The reason I stopped writing the first time was due to time.  I had so much on my plate and just put it on the back burner.  But now, because of this class, it is back on the stove with the burner lit.  It kind of reminds me of my exercise program.  I signed up for a marathon which would force me to train (even in the dreadful Cleveland weather) which in turn would help me lose weight and become more healthy.  It reminds me of work.  Many times I put off grading until the end only to find students upset at me and me upset at myself for having to sit hours on end grading.  It also reminds me of how I treat my friends and family.  Sometimes, due to my procrastination I can't spend time with them. 

So, here is my new goal and I hope those of you reading this can help me achieve it:

I want to stop procrastinating and utilize more time management techniques. 

I saw this because I want to be able to have time for family, devotions, exercise, work, grading, homework, and last but not least myself. 

But first let me get back to this blog assignment.  I have to write about my thoughts about technology in general.  What are they?  Well, I am glad technology exists to help make things easier for people.  Take for example not only the computers today but the software as well.  They can help me write my dissertation a lot faster and with less errors.  And my GPS?  It helps me get to school in VA without having to read a map (which I still can do!).  My cell phone?  It keeps me connected to my wife and work as well as reminds me of various meetings/classes I may have.  Even though it is called a "Smart Phone" it can't do anything until I program it.  So, what are my real thoughts about technology? 

I think people are getting dumber - me included.  Ask anyone to tell you a phone number and they will need to look it up.  How many people actually dial a phone number anymore?  Ask a simple questions and the response may be: "let me Google that!"  Yes, technology is making things easier for us.  But it is also hurting us.  Remote controls for example prevent us from walking and moving - even if it is a few feet to the TV.  Text messaging prevents me from having a real conversation (I mean talking - not writing). 

But even with these few "gripes," I can say I am thankful for technology.  It helps me connect with my pen pal who lives in Australia.  It helps me keep track of my runs and my exercises.  It helps me remember to do my devotions (as long as I enter a reminder).  It helps me get in touch with my family.  And for all the above reasons, I am thankful.

So, with the start of this blog, and the continuation of this year I will live by the following  verse:

Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.

I look forward to keeping you up-to-date with my class, my marathon training, and my family.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The World is Getting Bigger

1Corinthians 6:19-20  Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God.  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So, glorify God in your body.

This past weekend my family and I went to a waterpark resort.  We had a lot of fun playing in the water and going down the water slides.  Even my little 1 1/2 year old went down some slides.  My son 's favorite was the slide which was blacked out.  Both my wife and I thought that he wouldn't like that one, but he did.  Even though the hotel had less than favorable reviews, they exceeded our expectations.  The only thing we disappointed in was that the water was a little too cold.  The best way I could describe the water temperature was if you were taking a shower and you were just beginning to run out of hot water.  Cold but tolerable.

As you are reading this you may be asking what the above verse has to do with a water park.  Well, a lot.  I was shocked by the amount of overweight people.  And not just the adults, but the young teens and children as well.  As a health and physical education teacher I felt bad.  As if they did not care about what they may have learned in class.  Or, what they hear in the news.  I know a lot of it has to do with culture and the lifestyle they are taught, but something needs to be done!

As the above verse states, "your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit."  I am exercising and eating right (most of the time) so that I may not only be their for my family later in life, but also to glorify God.  I am not saying that those who are overweight or obese do not glorify God, but how do they glorify Him through their body. 

Obesity is a large epidemic in this country and something needs to be done.  As I continue in my education and teaching young adults heath and fitness, I will also continue to live and display the values God would want me to share.  For if others can see me for who I am, someone who cares about their health, family, and God, maybe they may have a change and be able to glorify God as well through their body.

In my quest to get below 200lbs, I can say that reading the Bible and applying the scripture to my life, I have been able to come closer to God not only as a friend, but as a support who gives me strength to be able to exercise and get even more healthy.  By glorifying God, He is glorifying me.  And I can't thank Him enough.

Dear Lord, Thank you for giving me the strength and ability to exercise to improve my health.  I also pray for those who may not be as healthy and are wanting to start and exercise program.  Give them the strength and wisdom to be able to take the first step.  And as they do, may they glorify you in their success.  Amen

Friday, February 25, 2011

There to Hold Your Hand

Psalm 121: 7-8 The Lord will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
This verse reminds me of the prayer little kids pray each night before bed:

 Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.  Guide and guard me through the night and wake me with the morning light.

I think we should all be comforted by this verse each day.  "The Lord will keep you from harm - he will watch over your life."

-when your facing financial troubles
-when you are sick
-when are traveling
-in everything you do!

But when you look at the second part of the verse, it makes even more sense, the Lord is like our light house.  When ever we feel we are in the dark we can keep looking, BAM, there is His light to guide us back to Him.  And, no matter where we go, the Lord is there, watching over us - ALWAYS.

I am glad I have someone to watch over me.  And someone I can go to when I feel sad, down trodden, and happy!  Someone I can share my thoughts to and someone who knows me for who I am - good and bad.

Dear Lord,  Thanks for always being there for me.  For watching over me day and night.  But not only me.  Thank you also for watching my friends, my family, and yes Lord, even my enemies.  Keep us all safe.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Precious Little Children

Mark 10:6 And he took them up in his arms, placed his hands on them, and blessed them.

My wife and I watched "My Sisters Keeper" the other night.  She and I both cried.  If you never have seen it, I highly recommend it.  I won't give away too much, but basically it is about a family who is torn apart because a child has cancer.  Why did I cry?  Sure the movie was sad, but I kept thinking, "What if that was one of my children?"  I am not too sure what I would do.

My wife reads blogs about families whose children have cancer. She experiences the triumphs and set backs through the words of the writers, letting her in on the family affairs and the affairs of the child.  The pain and the joy.  The life, and sadly, the death of the child.  I often wonder, "why would our God give such a terrible disease to these precious children?"

I believe it is not to hurt them or to make them suffer, but to open our eyes and to help us experience the love and pain Jesus suffered.  I am thankful I do not personally know any child who has cancer, yet I do know of families whose children have it.  This does not mean I don't think about them.  I do.  And I pray to God that he helps them everyday.  Helps them see the love the child has.  Helps them to experience kindness when the child is in painHelps them experience joy when they can go home, or get off a medicine, or even smile.

We all know the song, "Jesus loves the little children."  But do we?  Do we turn a blind eye to those children who suffer?  Or, do we do something about it?  What about the families?  How do we help them?

As I wrote before, I believe children who have cancer have it so they can help us.  I say this because think of your children, or if you do not have children a family member such as a sibling.  What if they were diagnosed with cancer?  How would you react?  How would you change?

Jesus holds these children in his arms and blesses them.  He holds them when they are in pain.  He hold them when they smile at their mom or dad.  He hold them in each and every operation and test.  And, when they are in the arms of their mom or dad or loved one, Jesus is holding them all.  I read a story about a mom who was holding her child in her arms while he was dying of cancer.  She stated that even though her child died in her arms, she felt life in the room.  She felt as though she had a warm blanket wrapped around her and her son, even though she did not.  She knew it was Jesus, holding them both.  She knew her son was now able to laugh and play in heaven.  

When the children suffer because of their pain we should be there to comfort them.  Jesus is there to comfort not only their pain, but ours as well.  I am scared to think if my son or daughter was diagnosed with cancer.  But I know Jesus would be there to comfort me and my family.  He would be there holding their hands making them smile - for us.  

So, next time you visit the hospital maybe bring a few gifts to give to children who may need a little "pick-me-up."  Or, if you see a child who may have cancer walking down the street smile at them.  And as you do, know that Jesus is smiling back at you. 

May God bless all children, young and old.  May he keep them safe and healthy.  May he also allows us to see the love of Jesus come out through them as they may suffer, yet know they are safe in His arms.

Dear  Lord, I am thankful I have two healthy children.  Bless them and keep them safe.  Also, allow me to open my eyes and see those children who may have cancer for who they are.  Children who are loved by you.  Children who are comforted in your arms and who you have blessed.  Amen.