Friday, January 28, 2011

Which Way is Up?

Proverbs 3:6  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 

Do you ever feel like you have no direction in your life or people and things are pulling you in different directions?  I kind of felt that way these past few days.  Not so much with the directions, but more so with the pulling.  You see, at work I lost my swimming class because I had too many credit hours I was teaching.  There was also a lot of confusion with the students and new teachers and I was trying to help them out the best I could.  Also, at home, my wife was finishing her last few days at her job only to begin a new one.  At church, I am beginning a new Bible study which I need to organize and head.  So, although I may not be pulled as much as others may feel pulled, I am still pulled in various directions.

But, I also feel I can handle it.  Why, because of the above verse.  In all my decisions and actions I acknowledge the Lord.  I acknowledge him for helping me and guiding me along my walk of life.  When things go "no-so-right", I ask that he guide me in the direction he wants me to go.  As much as I may try and go on a different path, I also acknowledge that I must go on the path he calls me to go on. 

This was not so as I was growing up.  He called me to his path many times, but I never listed.  But when I did, I felt my life all come into place.  Like it felt as if everything I am doing is worth it.  It is my goal as a dad and as a church school teacher to make sure I help my children and other children be able to acknowledge him, so they may walk on His path.

Dear Lord, I acknowledge you Lord and all that you do.  May my walk in this life be on your path.  And, if I stray from this path, please guide me back to it.  Amen.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Am a Teacher

Luke 6:40  A student is not better than the teacher, but the student who has been fully trained will be like the teacher.

This passage reminds me of why I chose the field of education.  I like being a student so I can learn new ideas old thoughts.  I also like being a teacher so I can teach others what I know.  Today, before my swim class I saw a student who I had last summer.  She was terrified of the water due to an accident that occurred when she was a child.  On a family outing on a house boat, the boat capsized and her mother and father drowned.  She and her sisters where barely pulled from the water.  Even she had breathed in some water and needed help.  She never set foot in a pool again, other than a kiddie pool, until she took my class.

I did not know about her story, yet I treated her with kindness and told her together we would take it slow to get her accustomed to the water.  After a few weeks in class, she was finally floating and putting her head in the water blowing bubbles.  By the end of the class she was able to tread water and swim at least 50 yards.  But I can also say, I was not the only one teaching her.  Her peers also helped her out.  She saw that many people were there to support her and help her reach her goal, which wasn't to pass the class but to learn to be comfortable in the water.  On the last day of class she thanked me for helping her so she could teach her children how to swim.

I teach students fitness and health through workout classes and lecture.  I also teach students how to test others fitness levels, since they too will become fitness professionals.  The most rewarding thing for me, is when a student comes to me and lets me know they have been able to teach others, based on the knowledge I gave them.  I thank God everyday for being my teacher and showing me how to live my life.  I only pray I am living up to His expectations.  And since I am his student, every summer I am able to go out and teach his word to 400+ youth and their adult leaders as the MC (program leader) for Group Workcamps.

How are you like the teacher?  The student?  What new things are you learning and growing from?  And, how can you then turn around and teach it to others?  What is God calling you to learn from Him?  Who is God calling you to teach His word?

Dear Lord, Thank you for being my teacher and allowing me to be taught by so many teachers as I have grown.  Allow me to take the knowledge I have learned so I may teach others.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What a Week

Romans 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those that weep

First let me say sorry.  I know it has been over a week since my last post and there really is no excuse.  I even let my workouts and eating habits slide for that week, which again, there is no excuse.

I can say it was a busy few days.  I was staying up late studying for my GRE which I took on the 15th.  I was also getting ready for work putting all my syllabi's together and figuring out course material.  Some friends I know went into the hospital and some news from around the world was troubling.  This is why I chose today's verse.

When I was studying for my exam I knew I was cramming (something I did well, and often, in college).  I signed up for the test over a month ago, yet waited until the last week to study.  So, looking at all my study test scores, I wasn't feeling too confident going into the test.  What also made my confidence drop was listening to a few people say they have taken the test multiple times and are still trying to pass.  As I sat down in front of the computer to take the test I paused and said a prayer.  I asked God to allow me to use the knowledge I have gained and acquired to help me with the test.  And to give me peace.  Also, to give those I overheard talking about the test peace as well and to calm our nerves.  Taking the test I was not too confident.  I felt like I was reading a foreign language during the verbal portion and gibberish during the math section.  But, when I got my score, I was excited and relieved because I was done...

...And I passed!!  Of course I thanked God and wanted to tell everyone I passed, so they could rejoice with me. 

But, then there was the weeping.  As I said before, a friend of mine was admitted to the hospital.  As it turned out, everything was okay.  But I do know tears were shed.  By his wife, his family, and others.  Even my wife had to hold back tears as she entered the hospital room.  Another friend of mine found out her father has cancer.

But this was at home.  On the other side of the US people were shot and people died.  At first I was in shock.  Another, "Oh my gosh, why did this happen?"  I said a small prayer for those who were injured as well as the families of those who lost a loved one.  And yes, I even said a prayer for the shooter and his family.  Why you may ask?  Because, obviously he does not know God?  I asked God to help him know that what he did was wrong.  "Weep for those who weep."

In our family of faith, as well as others who may or may not know God, we must laugh together.  And, we must also cry together.  For I know if we can do this, God will look down on us and laugh and cry with us also.

Dear Lord, Thank you for being there and allowing us (you, my family and friends, and myself) to laugh in times of happiness, as well as being able to cry in times of sorrow.   Amen.

My Goal:  I did pick up with my running again.  I ran 3 miles at an 8:00/mile pace.  I am also glad to be back at work because now I can get in the pool and swim, as well as hit the weights in my classes. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Father/Son Day

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Today was a father/son day.  A great day.  We first dropped off his sister at day care and then headed to my job.  I had to drop off some paperwork before the start of the semester.  He got to meet my boss as well as a few other people I know at work.  We were there for over an hour and he was great.  He did not complain at all.  Actually, at one point I thought to myself, "Who are you and where is my child?"  He was saying his please and thank yous as well as sitting nice waiting for me when I was talking.
When at the grocery store, he went to the playroom and watched a movie.  When I picked him up, the attendant told me he asked for everything and was polite and helpful.  He even sat at the table playing with the fake food and said a prayer. 
When getting our hair cuts he saw the suckers and asked if he could have one.  I told him he would have to wait until his hair cut was over, and he said okay.  Then, when the hair dresser gave him his sucker, he said thank you.  Not for the sucker, but for his haircut.  We both had a good chuckle.

I guess seeing his actions today reminded me of the verse above.  My son goes to church school and we teach him to say please and thank you, and to be nice (even to his sister).  I know that he will grow up to be a kind, loving, and trustworthy person.  Someone who can say "thank you" for all he has been given, not by me, but by God.

Dear Lord, Thank you for bringing my son and daughter into my life.  Please allow me to be the best parent I can be, so they can grow up to be a person who loves their neighbors.  But, most importantly, loves you as well.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Saying "Sorry"

Mark 11:25 And whenever you make a prayer, let there be forgiveness in your hearts, if you have anything against anyone; so that you may have forgiveness for your sins from your Father who is in heaven.

Have you ever seen a movie in which one character does something bad to another character.  Maybe they don't trust them anymore.  Or, maybe they are stubborn and want things done their way.  Or, maybe they think they are just trying to help them.  Then, later in the movie (usually during a time when the music is soft and heading for a big crescendo) they realize they were wrong.  And then, with a look and sometimes tears, they say "I'm sorry."  (And the music comes to a climax and everyone in the theater is crying.  Okay, maybe not everyone.)

Although the movies make it look much more dramatic, saying "sorry" can be hard and emotional.  I know many people say they are sorry, but do they mean it?  I know my son will do something he knows is wrong and then say he is sorry over and over again.  We have to explain to him why what he did was wrong, since he is only 3.  But I believe he is starting to know right from wrong, and what sorry really means. 

I know I have had to say sorry before.  Sorry for hurting a loved one.  Although it was easy to say sorry and really mean it, it was much harder for me to believe the acceptance of the sorry.  Why?  Probably because as much as I knew I was forgiven, it was hard to accept.  Why should I be forgiven if I did something wrong?

And the same goes for when someone says I'm sorry to me.  Why is it sometimes hard for me to accept their forgiveness?  They did not trust me or maybe they hurt me.  So why forgive them?  Because that is what God wants us to do.  To have, and receive, forgiveness.  As a paraphrase of the verse above, tonight when you pray, pray for forgiveness as well as the strength to forgive others. 

My Goals:  Well, I am not going to well these past two days.  Studying for my GRE test is taking it's toll.  Although, I did go out and shovel snow and I watched what I ate.  I think next week will be better since I will be back at work and will be able to work out (since I work in a fitness room).

Dear Lord, Please forgive my sins today.  And also, please allow me to forgive others who I may have sinned against. Amen.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just When You Think...

Proverbs 3:6  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

So, today I was out and about running errands with my daughter.  We went to the library, Grandma's office, and the grocery store.  While I was in line to check out at the grocery store, I noticed my credit card was not in my wallet.  I thought to myself where it could have been.  I was going through my mind in all the places I have been.  The first thing I thought was that my wife took it from my wallet, so I called her.  She did not.  But she reminded me that we were at Disney on Ice and I used it there.  Could I have left it there?  What if it fell out of my wallet there?  How many people would rather keep the card compared to those who would turn it in?  All I kept thinking was where could the card be and did someone already use it?
I paid for my groceries using a different credit card and then went to the car.  After loading the car I sat and thought, "where could it be?"  I was on my way home when I realized that i dropped my wallet at the library while checking out books.  I gave them a call and lo and behold, it was there.  Boy was I happy.  I said a quick prayer to God thanking him not for finding my card, but for still making trustworthy people in the world.  Someone had to pick it up and turn it in.  A trustworthy person.

Dear Lord, Thanks you for having so many trustworthy people here on earth.  May I be able to help others see your way so they can be led straight on your path.  Amen.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Giving Less and Charging More

Amos 8:4-8  Listen to me, you who walk on helpless people, you who are trying to destroy the poor people of the country, saying, "When will the New Moon festival be over so we can sell grain?  When will the Sabbath be over so we can bring out wheat to sell?  We can charge them more and give them less, and we can change the scales to cheat the people.  We will buy poor people for silver, and needy people for the price of a pair of sandals.  We will even sell the wheat that was swept up from the floor."  The Lord has sworn by his name, "I will never forget everything that these people did."

The Past:  This passage reminds me of myself in two ways.  The first being the poor person.  When I needed something growing up, I often felt like I was paying more than enough for what I needed.  Even my so called friends would charge me for a ride home from school or to get somewhere.  Being the youngest person in my family, I always had the hand me downs.  I would get upset when my brother would get something new and I had to take his.  It was rare for me to get a "brand new" anything if I just wanted it.  Sure, come Christmas and my birthday I would get new things, but mostly only then.  But, growing up, I also became the person who walked on the poor.  In college at OSU, I often looked down upon those who could not afford books or even a small meal because they used all the money on their meal card.  I felt as if they deserved it.  Maybe because it was the things I saw growing up.  If you didn't save your money, you didn't deserve it.
I am glad I have come to know God because I can see now that we are all poor. 

The Present: This morning I went to go see Disney's Toy Story 3 on Ice with my wife and son.  Boy, did I feel poor.  T-shirts for $30.00.  Programs for $15.00.  Even a Buzz Lightyear cup was $18.00!  Were we being charged more yet getting less?  Is this what is happening today?  With gas ballooning towards $4.00 a gallon and the price of food going up as well, when will everyone be poor?  Granted, my wife and I get along fine, but when will that come to an end?  When will need to take up 3-4 jobs to get along?  Let me clarify, not to keep up with the Jones, but to just make it - to keep our kids fed and sheltered. 
Going in mission trips every summer and helping those in need opens my eyes to see how much I really have.  And, how much I have to give.  I have seen people live in houses that have no floor, no plumbing, and no heat.  They struggle to just put food on the table.  Many are disabled and cannot work while others work multiple jobs.  But through it all, they have each other.  And, they have God. 
I know of a company that gave out Christmas bonuses year after year.  But, this year they failed to do so.  Many of the employees were disappointed.  They company said it was due to the economy.  Is that true?  They made millions of dollars in profit.  Are they the ones giving their employees less and charging more?  It would be nice to see every large corporation CEO and Executive come down and go on one of my mission trips to see how sometimes giving less and charging more affects people.  Maybe, if they had the mindset of God, things would be better.  They could give more, and charge less.  If you are a CEO or an Executive, maybe you can prayerfully consider the above passage.  Or, if you are just like me, how even with what we have, we can still learn not to walk over those with less than us.

My Goals:  Well, I walked last night and did a few weights.  Tonight I have to run again and I'll play outside in the snow with kids (if it's not too cold and windy).

Dear Lord, Please allow me to be rich in your eyes by helping those who are "poor".  May I always give more and charge less.  Amen.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Trials of Love

Song of Solomon 8:7 Even much water cannot put out the flame of love; floods cannot drown love.

My Past and Present: My wife loves me and I love her.  We officially started dating on January 1, 2000 and it was four years later that we got married (in September).  It hasn't always been a smooth ride.  There were times I did not know if we were ever going to get married.  She wanted to see other people and so did I.  But, deep down, we cared for each other and worked through our problems.  We overcame the floods that wanted to drown our love.  I have not always been the best husband, but I do try.  She has also not been the best wife, but I see the love in her eyes when she looks at me.  We love each other and that can never be extinguished.
My parents also loved each other.  Sure, I saw times when they were arguing and not speaking to each other, but they always overcame it.  When my brothers or sister were fighting, they still loved each other.  After all, you're supposed to fight with your siblings once in a while?  Right? 
I love my family.  They are what made me what I am today.  Sure they have made mistakes, yet they also have their successes.  I pray for them.  I may not know where my oldest brother is, but I pray for him.  I may not always know what is happening in the home life of my other brothers and sister, but I pray for them.  I pray for my mom.  For her health.  Isn't that what love is?  Working though the tough times to over come the floods that want to put out the flame of love. 

My Goals:  Well, I took the nutrition assessment and scored a 33, which is in the "Good" category.  Now I just need to try and improve my score to get in the "Very Good" category which is 42-64.  Then the next thing would be to get into the "Excellent" category which is 65-82.  Basically, to improve my score I need to lay off the soda as well as eat more fish.  But, I'll let you know.

Dear Lord, Let us love each other the best we can.  And, when times are rough, help us work through them to continue to see the love we have for that person and they love they have shown us.  Amen.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Living Together

Psalm 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!

The Past Living in unity was something that I did while at Ohio State in the fraternity house...  Sometimes.  Granted, I tried to make make peace with some who I didn't get along with.  But all-in-all I did get along with the guys.  Those who I did not get along with I left alone.  I let them do thier own thing.  The surprising thing was that I did get along with most of the guys.  I guess that is what the fraternity is all about.  Living together (and in my case, partying together) in unity is something we had to do to keep the fraternity alive and well.  I was out of the fraternity when things went bad.  Due to a few members bad decisions the fraternity was shut down on campus.  I don't know everything that happened, but rules were broken and abused.  The unity fell apart.  
It was not until a few years later (after the probation period) that the fraternity was allowed back on campus and given a charter.  All because a few good men wanted unity, again.  A big thank you goes to them from me.  I can still drive to Columbus and visit my fraternity house (and remember all the good times).

The Present: As I sit here writing this, I believe the Hilliard household lives in unity.  We all have a common goal to succeed and get ahead.  And, we are all united in God.  We go to church and see others who live for God.  We also see it when we go to the store or out to eat.  But, we also don't see it.  Every night on the news you hear of people getting a divorce, murder, and hatred.  Where is the unity outside my house?  From this point on, I will try my hardest to help others live in unity.  Whether it be the students I teach or people I see at the store I will try to help them be united.  How?   I'm not too sure yet.  But, I know it will come to me when I need it to?

My Goals: Tonight I ran 2 miles at a 7:44 pace.  Pretty good for just starting out.  If I want to make my goal in the 1/2 marathon I need to shave off a few more seconds, as well as run a few more miles. 
Tomorrow I will also take an assessment I give my students.  It's a nutrition assessment.  It basically has you look at what you eat and gives you options on how to improve.  I'll post my score tomorrow. 

Dear Lord, Please allow me to use my skills and my strength that you gave me to help others be united.  What a great day it will be when we are all united!  Amen.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Perfect Love

1 John 4:12  No one has ever seen God, but if we love each other, God lives in us, and his Love is made perfect in us.

My Past: Boy, did I love a lot growing up.  I loved playing outside.  I loved Debbie Gibson.  Excuse me, it's Deborah Gibson now.  I loved my family.  But, I really didn't love one another.  I wanted to fit in, so I became a part of the "Jones" crowd.  Always trying to catch up.  Sure I had relationships, but they did not seem too significant.  It was like I always wanted something more.  I know I loved the person.  But I really wasn't in love.  It wasn't until I came to know God that I knew what love really was.  I felt loved.  Not just by family members and friends, but by an outside force.  I could walk down the street with a pep in my walk because I knew God loved me.  And it felt good.  Words can't describe it. But, I liked it.

My Present:  Some people gave me slack about my post on mercy.  They said that I did not have compassion because I told my wife to suck it up when she was sick.  I do love my wife.  When she was recently sick in bed, I got out the DVD player and hooked it up to the TV for her.  I got her movies and I made her tea.  I showed her love.  The same love that God wants us to show towards others.  I showed her mercy as well.  But I also told her she needed to "suck it up" and get out of bed and take a shower.
I now look at love with a new meaning.  Love is not just an emotion or feeling.  It's a way of life.  Love your neighbor we are told.  In every religion we are taught to love one another.  If we all live this way, how much better do you think the world would be?  Especially in today's economy and day of life.  The old Coke commercial comes to my mind: "what the world needs now, is love, sweet love."  Let's try and live today and the rest of the year loving our neighbors with love, sweet love.

My Goals:  Last night I ran my 2 miles at a 7:50 pace.  Not too bad.  I'll have to practice using the flexibility/yoga cards a little more.  It should come to me soon thought - I hope.
I also took my measurements and here they are.  I want to put them out there so you can offer me encouragement, as well as so I don't disappoint myself.
I currently weigh 218lbs.  My body fat according to the scale is 28%.  But after I took my girth measurements, I have a 25% body fat.  I'll keep you up to date at the end of each month. 
Tonight I have to walk on the treadmill as well as do my weights.  Can't wait!

Dear Lord, Please let me love others the way your son, Jesus, would love: perfectly.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Who is Influencing You?

1 Corinthians 1:26  Brothers and sisters, look at what you were when God called you.  Not many of you were wise in the way the world judges wisdom.  Not many of you had great influence.  Not many of you came from important families.

The Past: When I read the line, "not many of you had great influence" I did not have to think too hard about my past.  I did not have a hero.  I had a few people I looked up to, but really no one who I could say was my influence.  I just went along doing my own thing.  I got my first job on my own.  I joined the Navy on my own.  I went to college on my own.  It was then, while at Ohio State, I thought I influenced others.  And I did - but in the wrong way.  As someone who drank and partied a lot, others wanted to be like me - carefree.  But, as you may have read before, I soon did not like myself and who I was.  I did not want to be that kind of influence towards others anymore.  It was while I was at home and attending Cleveland State University that I was called to serve at the church as the recreation leader for vacation Bible school.  It was there I started to talk about God, and I had no idea who He was.  The kids knew more about Him than me.  Inside, I was embarrassed.  But, I also wanted to learn more about Him.  It was then, I started to read the Bible.  And, I liked what I read.  God, was my influence now. 

The Present: Look at what I am now that I know God.  I person who knows and gives love.  A person who has a meaning in my life.  A person who influences others.  That is why I became a teacher.  When my father died way too early (because of heart failure) I decided to become a health and physical education teacher so I could help others lead a healthy lifestyle.  Then, they may not have to go through the same thing I did and lose a family member for reasons that could have been prevented.  As a teacher, I know I influence others and it is good to see my students come up to me and ask if I go to church.  I can proudly say yes, and they do tell me that they can see it in me.  By my actions and words. 
I hope that the last line of the verse above will not reflect my son and daughter.  I hope that what I do will be important for my family.  I want to change the status of health and physical education in American schools.  I don't want it to be considered the "joke" or "easy" class.  I want it to have meaning so people can lead healthy lifestyles and know what choices they can make.  Now, I am not wanting to get rid of fast food and junk food (because I love me a fast food burger every now and them), I just want people to know why they shouldn't have it everyday.  I also want to make sure I am a good influence in the eyes of God for my family.  If my family grows up loving God and each other, I know they will be important.

My Goals: Tonight I continue with my workout.  I will run at least 2 miles on the treadmill with no less than an 8:30 pace.  I am sure I can do it.  After all, I know I can run at least 8 miles before I get winded.  I just want to take it easy and not over do it.  I'll also start my flexibility training.  I have a pack of yoga cards I will do.  Hopefully it will also help me and my sore shoulder. 

Dear Lord, Thanks you for showing me the way and being my influence in all I do.  Amen.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Lending a Helping Hand

Jude 22-23:  Show mercy to some people who have doubts.  Take others out of the fire, and save them.  Show mercy mixed with fear to others, hating even their clothes which are dirty from sin.

The Past:  I remember running away from people all the time.  Not because I wanted to, but because I HAD to.  They wanted to beat me up.  Why?  I'll never know.  Maybe it was because I had something they wanted.  Or, maybe they just felt the need to pick on someone smaller.  I hated them.  I never felt safe walking in my own neighborhood when I knew they were around.  I remember one time they set off fireworks aimed in my direction and I had to duck and run just to miss them.  What I hated even more was that my brother was friends with them.  The only mercy I showed them was when I said "mercy" when they had me in a choke or arm hold.
  I was glad when I went into the Navy.  I was away from them, although I missed "home".  I was away from having to watch my back when I walked down the street to helping others in the various drills we had.  I was starting to become a family with my fellow submariners.  But there was one person I remember who was always picked on.  He was the company "slacker".  Not because he wanted to be, but because it was hard for him to keep up.  Others made fun of him, so I did.  But no one picked up his slack, or tried to help him.  It was on the day of our fire fighting drills that something inside me felt different.  I felt Mercy.  Not for me.  But for this "slacker".  I knew that if I were ever in a situation like the one we were in (a sinking sub on fire) I would need to rely on him for my life.  I went over and helped him.  As soon as I did, others followed.  Finally, I felt like someone.  Someone who can help others and can be helped as well.  I had a new family in the Navy.  But I also had my family back home.  And I knew, when I went back home I could face my fears and have mercy on those who did not like me. 

My Present:  Even though I have never spoken to those who tried to beat me up and kept me scared, I forgive them.  In my heart I know that God forgives them as well.  Maybe they were like me and never knew God.  They were just kids being kids/bullies.  Maybe their home life was not as well as mine.  I'll never know. 
Now that I know God I know I can show and have mercy.  Sometimes it may not always look like I do.  When my son is "hurt" from falling down.  When my students don't try.  When my wife is sick.  I do care for all of them.  And I do have mercy for them.  But I believe their is a difference in having mercy and just wanting them to try harder/suck it up. 
I leave my mercy for those who are doubters.  Some of my college friends can't believe I am a church going man and I found God.  Some people can't believe I teach church school and lead discussions to over 400 youth at mission trips every year.  They may doubt me, and sometimes still do.  But I show them, through Gods love that anything is possible.  And to those I love, I do care about deeply and show mercy. 

My Goals:  So, I started today off (after taking the kids to day care) by taking a long walk with my dog, Lucy.  The air was crisp and the sun was shinning.  It was a great walk.  Something I am glad I did.  It made me miss my running outside.  And I am sure Lucy missed sniffing all the trees as well. 
Tonight I will start working out with my weights.  I even have a small routine I am planning.  To get under 200lbs won't be that hard - I just have to stick with it.  Also, for those who have ever doubted that I can get below 200lbs gives me more reason to try.  I know I can.  And will.

Dear Lord,  Please allow me to help those who have doubts.  Not only about you, but for others as well.  Let us try our hardest to be who we can be, as well as who you want us to be.  May we have mercy not just from others, but from you as well.    Amen

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hey, Look At Me!

Samuel 16: 7  "God does not see the same way people see.  People look at the outside of a person, but the Lord looks at the heart."

This was the verse for today's church school lesson.  I like it because it can, and does, say a lot about a person.  Take me for example:

The Past:  Growing up was hard for me.  First was dealing with all the hand-me-downs as well as having to live up (or down) the expectations of my brothers and sisters.  I was picked on and teased because of my family and who my friends were.  My family never had much, but we made due.  I always vowed that I would want to have more for my family then I had.  To do this, I sometimes became a person I did not like.  When I got my first job (at 15) I blew my paycheck on clothes and things everyone else was getting/wearing.  I wanted to fit in.  Yet I was still made fun of.  In high school I wanted to play football but I couldn't because I was in the marching band and my mom would not let me play.  When I got my first car and was able to drive around, I joined the track team and finally became an "athlete/jock" in the school.  But I was still made fun of. Why? Because my family was "poor", even though we had what we needed.  You see, growing up in the poor neighborhood in a "rich" school system was hard.  Sure I got made fun of and put down, but it started me on the path of who I am today.  I learned that even though I was "poor", I could be someone.  I learned that I was not the "poorest" kid in school.  I also learned how to make me into something I wasn't - rich.
When I went to college at Ohio State I changed - for the worse.  I became who I though I was supposed to be.  I was the stereotypical fraternity man.  I drank.  I partied.  I slept in.  And, I almost failed out of school.  But I was having fun.  However, I was not the person I really was.  The outside was much different than the inside.  Many times, I knew what I was doing was wrong, but I went along with it anyway.  People got hurt (emotionally and sometimes physically).  But I think I was the worst.  Emotionally, I hurt inside.  Physically, I was destroying myself through the alcohol and stupid stunts.  I was trying to figure out who I really was.

The Present:  I still struggle with this today.  Although not as much.  After I started my relationship with God, I knew I could look at myself better and see who I really am.  Who am I.  A sinner.  Someone who strives for excellence because I know I can't be perfect.  Only God is perfect.  I still strive to have the best of things.  But when I look back on what I have, I believe I do have it all (or most of it).  I have a family who loves me.  A job which I am fortunate to have and enjoy.  A home (even though it sometimes seem like a money pit) that provides me with shelter and warmth - both temperature and love).  Friends (thank you Facebook - ha ha).  And my health, which seems to be a lot better than most of my brothers and sister.  You can look at me today and see the real me, although there are some imperfections.

My Goals:  As I (again) begin to workout and continue my training I know this can apply to me because I know God knows what I can and cannot do.  I just need to make sure I do not over train and injure myself.  I also know I need to look real hard inside myself to know what I can do.  Maybe it is overcoming that last mile.  Maybe it is getting up when I am down. 
As for my devotions, I know this blog is helping me.  And, maybe you can too.  Do you have a devotion you would like to share.  Maybe even a prayer or prayer request.  Just put it in the comment box.  Remember, this blog is not just for me, but for us.  To get closer to God, and to achieve our goals for 2011.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Start of a New Year

Happy New Year!  I know many of you may have created a new year resolution and so have I.  But, this one is different.  With this blog, I hope to let you get to know me better while completing my resolutions goals for the new year.  I'll tell you a little bit about my past, what I am doing now, as well as how my goals are going.  So, as you continue to read this, I hope I can encourage you to complete your 2011 goals as well as get a little closer to God, if you haven't already.  So here it goes:  My Past:  I was the last child born (by 15 minutes) in a family of seven (mom, dad, three older brothers and one sister) which I believe helped me become who I am today.  I learned from my siblings mistakes, as well as my own, and I saw how my parents struggled, yet still loved me.  My Present:  So here I am now, married to my lovely wife for 6 years (whom I have known for 11) with our 2 kids and family dog.  We are getting by the best that we can.  We sometimes struggle to get ahead, but we also have overcome some struggles along the way.  My Goals:  1) Although I am a church school teacher, a program leader for Group Cares, and I have been a youth coordinator; I still feel I can get closer to God.  I do have a good relationship with him, but as with any relationship, you can always make it better.  To do this, at the beginning of every log (for here on out) I will start with a verse from the Bible.  I will then try to explain it and how it pertains to me and my past, me present, and my goals.  2) To get below 200lbs by the end of the year.  This is something I have struggles with for a while.  The closest I have ever gotten was 205lb.  This was after the Cleveland 1/2 Marathon in May.  I am training again for it again and right now I am at 215lbs.  So, I am hoping that after this 1/2 marathon I will make my goal - and keep it off!.  My actual goal, is then to make it at least 18-20% body fat (and then go down from there).  3) To spend more time in devotion and prayer.  I believe this blog will help me do this, since I will need to read the Bible.  I'll also let you know about other devotions I may read and how they affect me as well.  I am sure I will have more goals as time goes on, but these are my main goals.  I hope you'll have fun reading these blogs and learning more about me.  Take care.  And, here is to a great 2011!